Friday, September 10, 2010

new season of Vampire Diaries

I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!! If the first show of this second season is any indication of what the rest of the season is going to be,it is going to be a ride!!!
First of all you have to know that the show is really nothing like the books at all,except the fact the Salvatore brothers are vampires and very brooding and good looking. I really think that that is the only similarities. So if you haven't read the books and just watch the show your not missing anything,if however you have read them,just know the show is nothing like the books.
My favorite brother is Damon,it might have something to do with the uber sexy way Ian Somerhalder plays him,but there is also a vulnerability to him as well and my heart broke for him this episode. There is so much involved in these shows that it would take me like a day to catch you up.
The brothers got turned by a girl named Katherine,both brothers loved her,but Damon never got over her. Stephan has found someone else to love which happens to look just like Katherine,but hey you can't fault him for that(and that is another similarity in the books,but she is blonde in them) So long story short she is back,and she told Damon she loved Stephan and that it all ways has been Stephan. the look of hurt on his face just made me so sad for him. So then he goes to talk to Elena ( Katherines doppelganger)and tried to kiss her and she said "i care about you but it will all ways be Stephan" again the look just breaks you. But then of course in typical Damon behavior he goes and does something unexpectedly shocking!! The ending shocked me too,now that is how you start a season! I can not wait for next Thursday! Please watch this show,i am pretty sure you can watch them on the I am very curious what team you are on. I love the bad boy of Damon,but i also love the sweetness of Stephan,but at the same time he is starting to get a little aggressiveness to him. So right now I would have to say its team Switzerland!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Letters to Juliet

We saw another movie because we went to the drive inn,and it was Letters to Juliet. It was one of the sweetest,charming,romance movies i have seen,and i have seen a lot.
This young couple goes to Italy for vacation,the girl (Sophie) goes to this wall where ladies write to Juliet there problems with the heart. She sits and she sees this woman take the notes down off the wall,so she follows her and finds out that there is a group of women that actually write back to the women. So she helps them and she finds a old letter in a brick thats 50 years old,so she writes her and the letter actually gets to her,so the ladies grandson and her come out to Italy to find the long lost love,and Sophie goes with them and its just sweet and funny. There was nothing bad in the movie it was just the type of movie i wish that hollywood would make more of,you dont need the crudeness,the political crap,you just need good clean entertainment,and no matter what you think, people want more of that. They think that people love the profane crude movies because thats all to see. So if you want to go to a movie thats all you get. So I am thankful for Gary Winick who directs the movie and Amanda Seyfreid for being in it. If you like sweet romance movies,skip the renting and just go straight to buying it!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

twilight movie series *spoiler alert *

ok so lets start with the books. they are AWESOME! With the exception of Breaking Dawn. In my opinion she should have left well enough alone,expanded a little on eclipse and forget the crappy last book. I mean Breaking Dawn had potential to be the best book in the series and she BLEW IT! So with that said in my mind Eclipse is the last movie and the last book and i make up my own mind what really happens :) So lets get on with the movie review.
So the first movie Twilight was kind of annoying to me,it was good but so much was left out of the movie it was sad,New Moon was much much much better,it had the right parts in the book that should have been there and the acting (muscles) by Taylor Lautner (Jacob) was FANTABULOUS!!!!!! In case you don't know i have a major thing for muscles!!! I watch wrestling just for that reason (John Cena makes me drool!)and yep hubby gets a kick out of it,so that's all good. Anyway back to the review.
Eclipse was by far the BEST of the movies!!! It was great to watch that movie and recognize the parts in the books,and there was a lot of them in this one.
My fave part in the book is when Edward and Bella go up this mountain to hide fromn the vampires who are trying to kill her,and Jacob (aka muscles)comes to help keep watch because he is a wolf. So its freezeing and Bella is shivering horribly but Edward can't help cuz he is a cold blood sucker(Jacobs words)so Jacob comes in and warms her and in the book you just get this image of his smirks and gloating because he is laying in the bag with her and only he can warm her up its just classic,but Edward and Jacob have this great conversation together,its just great imagery. It is absolutely perfect in the movie!! i was so happy!!
The other great part in the book and is in the movie is when Bella punches Jacob because he kisses her and breaks her hand,the anger in Edwards face,you actually gasp out loud,even though you know he doesnt kill Jacob,is great. I have to say that Rob Pattinson is becoming a great actor. He was so good that i actually understood why you would be on team Edward. But I am still loyal to my team. We also get to see the backgrounds of Jasper and Rosalie. i was worried about how they were going to show what happened to Rosalie,because her background is the most tragic and violent,they did it very tastefully. If you never read the book(shame on you!)you can still get the idea about what happened to her. Jaspers was sad,because he is just this sweet army man in the civil war trying to help some woman out and gets turned to make a newborn army to take over the world,he eventually got smart and killed the girl.
The interaction between Alice and Jasper was really sweet too. The fights were absolutely awesome!! And loved seeing more of the dads in the movie too,Carlisle is my fave out of the Cullens, I am sure i am forgetting some parts,its been a long week,have any questions feel free to ask.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Justin Bieber

ok so i have been hearing about this kid,and seeing him on magazines,so he was on American Idol tonight so i thought i would watch him,how the heck old is this kid!?? First of all the girls in the audience cracked me up,then i see what looks like new kids on the block in his back up group! I just don't see the appeal of this kid. It wasn't like he opened his mouth and sounded like Michael Buble at 15. But then i guess being in my 30s now i just don't get the teenage age.
Awwww my guy didn't make it to the top 2! Oh well,Daughtry didn't make it to top 3 and look how good he is doing,so maybe it will be a great thing for him. I hope so,he will all ways have a fan in me,Casey James is awesome!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

new shoes

I hate spending money on shoes! The price for a good shoe is ridiculous! I refuse to pay more than 40 dollars for shoes,i simply refuse it,your paying for the name more than you are for the shoe. My wonderful mother in law(i am so lucky to have a good one)bought these walk n tone shoes by la gear. We went shopping all day and she wore them,my feet were killing me and she said that i need to get these shoes. So i caved and looked for the shoes,tried them on and I AM IN LOVE!! These are the best athletic shoes i have ever had. So comfortable,and my feet don't hurt at all! I didn't even have to break them in! I recommend these shoes!! They were 39.99! They look good too,they are not chunky,very cute. So i am very happy that they were not over 40 dollars!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Iron Man 2

Lets start with the tralor for the movie,the one where he drops out of the plane and he says"you complete me" NOT IN THE MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was a little upset about that,for i thought that was a cool shot with him jumping out of the plane and saying that,but i guess it is one of those cases of lets make it look good and put all that good parts in the preview. GRRRRRR!!!!! Ok so besides that,i really enjoyed the movie,so much better then the first one,but again the first movie of a series has to introduce the characters and all that so its usually slow going,where the sequel can go straight to a good plot,and that is what this movie did. There was some slow parts,but the action was cool and Don Cheadle is on my list of under rated actor. I do not care for Mickey Rourke that much but he did pretty well,and i love the interplay of Robert Downey Jr and Gwyneth Paltrow,good chemistry i think. Some great special effects,Scarlett Johansson kicked butt!! I have all ways liked her,and it was awesome to see her as a butt kicker!!some innuendos but what movie that kids should be able to watch doesnt have those? Even the animated ones do,and its not needed,because as an adult i love to see a movie that is just pure good and fun,not much of them anymore. Anyway back to the movie,i say if you like action and special effects,go see it,if you like any of the actors in it,go see it,and if you are bored,go see it!! So i guess it is on my must go see list. So there is my opinion on Iron Man 2.

Friday, May 7, 2010

vampire Diaries

OK,so first off,L.J.Smith knows how to write a good book,she has great imagination. So when i found out they were making a tv show off of her books i could not wait! Hmmm,maybe I should have waited! Don't get me wrong the series is entertaining,just nothing like the books! And I hate that! The books were obviously big sellers right? So why ruin a good thing? I feel that way with the Twilight series as well,I really wish they would re-make the first movie! But talk about that later. Anyway,there are so many little things wrong,but for me two things is that Elena is blond in the books,and she has a little sister! Not a teenage brother! I will say though that Ian Somerhalder absolutely rocks as Damon,i can not think of anybody better for that role,and i don't think i would have thought of him. So if you are a fan of vampires as I am,and have nothing to watch on thursdays then i would recommend watching it,for the eye candy if not for nothing! If you are a guy reading this then its pretty good to watch for you too! :) Thanks for reading!